If You Struggle With Being Optimistic, Or If Staying Positive Is A Challenge, Especially Now, I’ve Created This Just For You!
Read On…
There is a solution to these challenges, but before I tell you what it is, I want to tell you a story about a young girl. It’s not a happy story, although the ending is a real surprise. This young girl became sad and depressed at the age of twelve and lived that way for many years. She couldn’t be joyful and optimistic. When her peers were enjoying high school and becoming teenagers, she cried all the time, and no one could figure out what was wrong with her. Her parents tried to reason with her, but there was no consoling her. Eventually, not knowing what to do, her parents punished her for crying and for being sad. This made her hide her sadness, but it didn’t make her less sad.
That young girl was me.
I took me many years of struggling with my mood and my mental attitude and my self-talk before I accidentally discovered what would change my life.
If I’m painting a bleak picture, it’s because it’s all true, but I changed that picture, and I believe you can too!
That’s exactly why I’ve created the course, “Embrace Optimism”. Many of us struggle with our mood on the best of days. I’ve freely admitted my struggles with depression over the years. If you’ve been feeling stressed lately, then it’s absolutely necessary to feed your head with positive and repetitively upbeat thoughts on a regular basis. This may a new concept for you, so read on…
I’m Cheryl A Major, and I know from personal experience that change can be hard. It can be challenging to move forward on your own, take action and make changes, even if those changes can have amazing effects on your health and well being, both mental and physical. For me, the change began with changing the food I was eating, but it didn’t end there.
I changed what I was feeding my body, and that did help me immensely, but I still had to address what I was feeding my mind; what I was feeding my head. I had to learn to think positively and to embrace optimism.
When you learn to embrace optimism, you enjoy benefits not only for your mind but also for your body and spirit as well. With a conscious decision to become more optimistic, a few tips and techniques, new habits are formed, health is improved, and your life can be changed; all through the power of optimism.
The brain-body connection is real. When you are anxious and worried, you put additional stress on your body. When you’re all stressed out, stress hormones like cortisol are activated. Constantly elevated levels of cortisol can have a negative effect on your immune system and can weaken your body’s ability to fight off disease.
I know what I discovered and still practice today can change your life, too!
If that sounds too good to be true, I don’t blame you, but I promise you…it’s true! I discovered the link between what I think, what I expose my mind to and my overall health and wellness, both mental and physical!
So many times over these past few years people have asked me what I changed about my eating choices and my thought choices that allowed me to leave decades of struggle with chronic depression behind and just learn to be a happier, healthier person!
In this course, “Embrace Optimism”, I dig deep with information that will educate and inform you about the very important subject of optimism. Especially in the world in which we find ourselves now, it is more important than ever to be constantly feeding our heads positive talk, reading positive books and learning to be more positive in general.
Admittedly, some days it’s easier than others to be successful being positive. I believe we need a community to stick together and help us move forward as one solid, positive unit through our days and through the year.
Now I understand the link between what I “feed my head” and how I feel.
I’m on a mission to share what I’ve learned, because what I discovered is amazing!!
The really good news is that it’s not hard if you have someone to guide you and to answer your questions along the way…
I want to share with you what I’ve learned so you too have the chance to experience the life changing improvements I now enjoy!
Embrace Optimism!
“Embrace Optimism” is a Course Designed to Give You Ongoing Support So You Can Move Ahead At Your Own Pace and Learn To Be A More Positive, More Optimistic Person – Making Choices and Taking Small Steps for Big Changes that Support Your Improved Mental Attitude!
“Embrace Optimism” will give you direction and support. You will have:
- An Easy to Read Report on the Benefits of Learning to be Optimistic
- A Check List So You Can Develop an Understanding of Where You are Right Now with Your Own Level of Optimism
- A Yearly Planner/Journal to Help You Embrace Optimism in Your Life
- An Educational Webinar – Recorded and in The Members Section So You Can Listen at Your Convenience
Your Health and Well Being are Priceless!
You may have heard it said that “If you have your health, you have everything.” It’s true, and it’s not just your physical health! Speaking as someone who struggled with chronic depression from the age of twelve for the next forty plus years, I know firsthand that the mental part of health is more important than people admit it is.
To be truly healthy, you must nurture your body with good food and your mind with good, positive thoughts, reading and self-talk!
No matter what else occurs in your life, having your health makes everything else much easier and much less of a challenge. It’s my goal to help you get from where you are right now to move closer to having optimal health and wellbeing, and such a big part of that is learning to embrace optimism!
The Reality… So much of your health hinges on your mental attitude. You’ve heard that people can make miraculous recoveries from ill health…optimism is a huge factor in maintaining and regaining health.
The Problem… Life hands us curve balls and more challenges than we feel we can handle. How do we achieve and maintain a level of optimism that will support us in not merely surviving but thriving and loving our lives? A huge answer to this question lies in learning to embrace optimism.
The Solution? “Embrace Optimism” will support you and help you understand where you are in your life relative to optimism and then it will help you with tools and strategies to learn to more fully embrace optimism.
I’ve done it in my own life, and I can help you do it too!
Learning to embrace optimism is not a one and done! It takes repetition and consistency to create a habit of turn to an optimistic attitude when we are challenged in our lives.
I Want You to Understand How Powerful You Are, and How Completely You Can Change Your Mental and Physical Health By…
Changing What You Feed Your Head.
It’s Hard Unless You Have Someone Who Has Gone Before to Show You the Way.
I Am That Someone!
Please Join Me For
“Embrace Optimism!”
Click the Button Below. Only $49!
Cheryl A Major, CNWC
P.S. There is great power available to you in learning some simple steps to move you back in age and forward in health, both mental and physical!
Read What People Say About My Teaching and Coaching…
After a stroke gave me some physical challenges, I found Cheryl and took her coaching to heart. Now, instead of eating everything in sight, I make smart choices. For instance, I have oatmeal with almond milk and fresh fruit for breakfast instead of the bacon and eggs with pastry I used to have. I know that one simple change was a real breakthrough and a step in the right direction, because Cheryl was so happy to hear I had done that. She helps you celebrate your simple victories and urges you on to make changes in your diet so you can achieve the level of change that she made in her life. Cheryl is in your corner cheering you on! -Alison Guess
I’ve learned to have a new relationship with food from my coaching with Cheryl. I’m now confident when I go out that I will make good choices and decisions that will serve my long term health. Cheryl has helped me reframe old views that kept me eating more than I should have. I now understand why I did that. Cheryl has helped me to be freed from the hold food had on me. Now I control food; it no longer controls me. And, the best part…I’m losing weight – slowly and consistently which I now know is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. No more fad diets for me! -Connie Green
As her editor, I read Cheryl A. Major’s weekly column and have learned enough about healthful eating and living to orchestrate some key changes in my diet. Last winter I had gained 8 pounds from a lifestyle of sitting and eating at too many social gatherings. I curtailed those activities, developed a Yoga routine, and added raw almonds, more vegetables and wild salmon to my diet. My hair turned silkier, my nails grew stronger, and the weight came off. I’ve sent links of Cheryl’s column to my closest girlfriends and suggested they follow her advice. -Joyce Pellino Crane
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